Before spending a fortune at the nearest hardware store to tackle pests plants or pest animals, check out what you can borrow from the Tool Shed at our new HQ located at 3 Ross Ave, Glenfield (old Glenfield Bowling Club).
The Tool Shed is open every 2nd and 4th Saturday in the month and gives you access to a range of items to borrow, including:
Traps for a variety of predators such as rats and possums
Bait for predator bait stations
Weed bags for composting at home (limited numbers)
Ginger barrels for composting at home (limited numbers)
Tools for weeding
Herbicides for weeds
Sterigene spray for cleaning boots against kauri dieback
Educational material for weeds, predators, kauri dieback and track closures
Helpful tips and suggestions from PFK Team members and volunteers.
For more information about the Tool Shed – click here