Need to self-isolate?
Seen everything on Netflix?
Scoured TVNZ on demand, and read everything twice?
Then have we got a suggestion for you!!!
If you want to stave off boredom this is an ideal time to deal to those
pest plants or predators in your backyard or nearby reserve.
You can even work with someone, but keep that ‘social distance’.
We have some instructional videos already and are working to produce new ones asap so that we can educate and inspire the community to work towards our shared goal of being pest free by 2026.
Remember too, we have gardening tools, weed-gel, possum traps, stoat traps and rat traps available to loan for free from our Tool Shed so check the opening times and come and collect these resources and catch those pesky predators.
You might like to volunteer on some of our projects which can be done in isolation; Jobs such as cleaning tools or building rat traps (ASK FIONA).
At PFK we are taking a precautionary approach and are reviewing our calendar of events, effective immediately. Following the advice that maintaining ‘social distance’’ is the best method to reduce transmission we have made the regrettable decision to postpone some events.
We will be exploring ways that volunteers can connect with us online instead of in person, and outdoor events may be able to proceed with only minor adjustments such as maintaining a safe distance between individuals and having a personal set of tools.
We are committed to finding new ways to deliver our programmes and are currently investigating ways that we can continue to work with our community and maintain the momentum we have built so far. Please bear with us through these unprecedented circumstances and check our calendar for the latest status update on events.
Any queries to enquiries@pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz