With the changing situation in Auckland due to COVID-19 and the uncertainty of whether in-person events can be held, we have made the decision to hold our PFK Annual General Meeting (AGM) online this year.
The details of this meeting are as follows:
Date: Monday 8 November, 2021
Time: 7pm
Format: Please refer to the 2021 PFK AGM Agenda for full details
Documents to review prior to meeting: 2020 PFK AGM Minutes, Pest Free Kaipātiki Board Nominees 2021/2022
Meeting link: Please click on this link to join the meeting
We are meeting using Google Meet, you should be able to join without a Google account (make sure you are using a laptop or desktop device, not a mobile one). It can sometimes take a little bit of time to get things sorted, so we recommend you log in early to make sure everything is working, and then you can grab a cuppa before the meeting starts. If there is an issue and you cannot join, please email us at enquiries@pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz.
Please note - when it is safe to do so, we plan to hold a separate, in-person event, to recognise and celebrate the efforts of our supporters and volunteers. More details will be available when we have them.