Thanks to the Auckland Council and Park Ranger Dan Marrow for sharing this with our PFK network, please see the details below for free training. Please note this is a limited course and you must register your interest and have your place confirmed before attending.
Growsafe (2 day course) – (max 12 per course) - required if you wish to volunteer in a reserve and deploy herbicide in any form other than gel application.
Option 1. May 12th to 13th
Day one theory (12th May 10am – 2.30pm) - Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre, Godwit Room, 595 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula. Theory aspect of Growsafe, delivered by Dean Bowden from Sprayschool.
Day two practical (13th May 10am – 1pm) - Harbouview Park, Gloria Ave, Te Atatu Peninsula. Practical component, knapsack use training and completion of spray diary delivered by NZ Biosecurity Ltd.
Option 2. May 13th to 14th
Day one theory (13th May 10am – 2.30pm) – Nathan Homestead, Drawing room, Hill Road, Manurewa. Theory aspect of Growsafe, delivered by Dean Bowden from Sprayschool.
Day two practical (14th May 10am – 1pm) – Orford Park, Hill Road, Manurewa. Practical component, knapsack use training and completion of spray diary delivered by NZ Biosecurity Ltd.
Outdoor First aid course: (max 20 per course)
4th May 2021 8.30am – 4.30pm - Takapuna Cricket Club, Onewa Domain, Northcote Road, Northcote
6th May 2021 8.30am – 4.30pm - Three Kings Fickling Convention Centre, Lynfield Room, Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings.
The outdoor first aid course is being delivered by ‘First Training’ and will cover the basics of first aid response and treatment e.g. CPR, treating wounds, broken bones, shock etc. This is a certificated course.
Risk Assessment course dates: (max 15 per course)
25th May 2021 10am – 3pm – Three Kings Fickling Convention Centre, Lynfield Room, Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings.
27th May 10am – 3pm – Takapuna Cricket Club, Onewa Domain, Northcote Road, Northcote
The risk assessment course is being delivered by Craig MacDonald from ‘All about People’ and provides essential training for park volunteers around the safety act and how it relates to volunteers, plus how to complete a risk assessment plan for volunteer activities in local parks as well as key things volunteers need to know in order to keep themselves safe while working in parks.
Lunch and light refreshments provided at all courses with the exception of the two practical growsafe training days.
Any questions or to register an interest, please email We can confirm whether there is a spot for you via our park ranger.